Deferred Trainee unable to access to MYTF
The trainee who was deferred from the 2022 cohort to 2023 cohort is unable to access MYTF and receives the following error:

When the trainee were on the 2022 cohort they were originally allocated to a school, which was then unallocated when they deferred to 2023 cohort.
On salesforce ,please check on the application:

For a field called "Has Programme Enrolment"
and if this is marked as true - mark it as False.
Normally as soon as the application is at Offer Pack Sent, Offer Confirmed, Offer Accepted, Or Enrolled then the user would get access to MyTF and Brightspace, yet in this case this seems to have failed.
So in first instance please check HasProgrammeEnrollment field and then if you wait 45mins and see if their MyTF account has then been activated.