Trainee not Linked with Mentor or Mentor account is blocked on MYTF
When a trainee is set up correctly in SF but the mentor account exists or existed as an duplicate or same multiple accounts on Salesforce, then Mentors account on MYTF will be blocked. The reason for this issue is Duplicate account in Salesforce, to fix this the following Deduplication Steps will happen in MYTF:
1. Check the Mentors accounts in Salesforce, identify the correct account from duplicate accounts. When you go to PE of that Mentor it will show that it is a part of Training Programme 2022, and their status will be current.
This is the correct screenshot for how relationship will look like for mentor:
This below screenshot is the wrong one as this is former:
Image Caption
2. Now search this mentor with email ID in MYTF, you will see that the wrong duplicate salesforce account has gone on MYTF and since it is wrong, it will be blocked. How you can check is by matching the salesforce ids from Salesforce and from MYTF.
Salesforce id on Address bar
As you can see from the above screenshot that these SF ids are not matching then go on the correct Salesforce account in Salesforce.
3. In Salesforce check that a correct Mentor account has GrantMyTFAccess check box as ticked
4. Then in MYTF do the following Steps:
a. Click onto that blocked Mentor account in MYTF
c. Search for Salesforce Contact ID and paste the correct SF id here
Then Search for Saml OrgDefinedID and paste the correct SF id here
d. Then scroll down and click on save
e. Scroll to the top of the page and click on Salesforce
f. Then click on view and then click on edit
g. Then paste the correct SF id under Salesforce ID and click on Save.
So, there are 3 fields where you would go, change, and paste the correct SF ID in salesforce. Please note to be very careful and do not edit anything else as any other edits or clicks would cause bigger issues to which we may not have resolution, so just do your checking and clicks very carefully .