Web Editing Tools Not available (Joomla)
Refs ticket : [#137463] Intranet/Joomla Issues | IT Self Service System (teachfirst.org.uk)
Note: Chas setups the account. We resolved this by asking Chiara the user and look at Shannon Sperl's account to compare as both are superadmin users. When comparing we found there was a difference in the setting. See details below to help future users. ie we can only assist the user with the user logged on to the Intranet.
After the user account was setup by Chas (Comms dept), the user logged on to Joomla do not see the editing tools. Check the following setting. See screenshot
1) This setting is incorrect
2) Change the User Editor so it is not assigned to any specific editor role.
3) The user should now see the editing tools