Assign External Guest with Power Bi Pro License
To add the Power Bi Pro license, it needs to be done through a global admin account or possible the Billing Administrator role. Otherwise a powershell is the alternative. See end of this document for the powershell solution.
1. Logon to
2. Navigate to Billing (non Global admin / non Billing Administrator cannot see this option)
3. Goto Licenses > Power Bi Pro
4. If there is a spare license, click on the + Assign LIcenses
5. Find the external guest to complete the operation.
To check, goto Users > find user, you will see the licensed assigned:
You can double check on Azure AD
However, if there is no Global Admin or Billing Administrator role person available, you can try run this powershell :
Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName "{User principal name}" -UsageLocation GB
Set-MsolUserLicense - UserPrincipalName "{User principal name}" -AddLicenses “"