Calendly onboarding Process for Programme Delivery
What is Calendly?
Calendly is a simple calendar setting app. One person makes a list of dates and times they are available, and other people go there and self-select their time. It eliminates the old-school way of using email and phone tags for scheduling appointments, calls, interviews, demos, and more.
This document explains what a user needs to do when they get an invitation to join Calendly.
How to Use Calendly
1. You will get an invitation to join Calendly via your Outlook email
2. Click on “Accept Invitation” as below:
3. Enter your full name, setup a password and agree to terms
Note: This is going to be a unique password as there is no single sign-on for Calendly yet. Once all these details are successfully entered, click on “Sign up to accept”.
4. Next step is to verify through an email link that your email address is real. You can click on the link or copy it into an incognito window
5. Login to your account
6. Create your Calendly URL (set it to your username). Ensure your time zone is correct and click on “Continue”
7. Connect to your Office 365 account and sign into your Calendar
8. A window will pop up asking you to accept the requests by Calendly
9. Click “accept” and that will connect your Calendly to your O365 account
10. You will get a notification screen that your Calendly is connected. Click on “Continue”.
11. Set your availability and click “Continue”. Again, this is individual-specific and can be edited later
12. Click Finish.
13. Next, four templates created by TF Summer Institute Check-in meetings will appear on your screen
14. Choose the link suitable to you and share it with your trainees (see screenshot below).
You can also click on the cog wheel, select Edit One-on-One Event Type such as Event Duration, Event Time Zone, Availability, type, etc. Again, this is individual specific
Connecting to Zoom
Go to “Integrations” at the top right-hand corner.
Click on “Zoom” and “Connect Zoom”.
Enter your Zoom login details
You will be presented with a page: “Calendly for Zoom is requesting access to your Zoom account”. Click “authorise”
This will create the connection between Calendly and Zoom
If for any reason you experience any problems, please contact the IT Help desk on 020 3862 8484