Cohort or Region on Trainees landing page is incorrect
Trainees cohort and region are automatically pulled in from salesforce. Where the information is updated on salesforce this will pull through into My Teach First approximately 30minutes later.
Where a trainee Transfers, Defers, or Extends whilst on the programme you must follow the adjustments guidance for salesforce.
For an Extension if the trainee rejoins the programme and needs to participate in a different cohort years sessions and tasks, please raise an IT Support ticket just before they rejoin the programme. The information can be manually overridden on My Teach First where an extension has been granted.
For a Transfer if the trainees information "Placement Local Area" is updated on salesforce this will push through to My Teach First. If for reporting purposes it shouldn't be updated on salesforce, but they do need an alternative regions tasks and information, please raise an IT Support ticket. The information can be manually overridden on My Teach First without updating salesforce where a transfer has been approved.