Accessing OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook, SharePoint & Teams app online from a Web Browser
Accessing OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook, SharePoint & Teams app online from a Web Browser
Step 1: Open a web browser and type in the address bar: (or
You will be asked to sign in at the sign in prompt shown below, please use your Teach First email address and password to sign in by clicking Next. (If you have previously signed in your credentials may have already been securely saved by the browser in which case please carry on from step 2)
Step 2: You should be immediately taken to your email account in Outlook from here you can access other Microsoft services such as One Drive, One Note, Sharepoint etc. To access other services please click on the 9 dots at the top left corner of the site.
Step 3: From here you can access One Drive, OneNote and SharePoint directly. You may need to click on “All Apps” at the bottom to show all Microsoft Apps.