Adjust your form settings in Microsoft Forms
Use form and quiz settings to specify deadlines, identify form responders, display correct answers for quizzes, and to set other preferences for Microsoft Forms.
Change settings
To get to the Settings screen, click the ellipses
button (...) on the top right of your screen, and then select Settings.
Options for form settings
On the form settings page, you can select or clear
the default settings.
Options for quiz settings
On the quiz settings page, you can select or clear
the default settings.
Option for quiz
The default setting, Show results automatically,
allows responders see the results of each question when they submit their quiz answers. Responders see green check marks next to each correct answer for the quiz questions and red message text displayed next to incorrect answers. Clear this setting if you don't want to display correct and incorrect information next to each quiz question.
Who can fill out this form
When you use the default setting, Only people in my
organization can response, responders must be in your organization and sign in to fill out the form. Select the option Anyone with the link can respond if you want to allow anyone, including people outside your organization, to fill out your quiz or form.
Two additional options are available if you choose to
only allow people in your organization to fill out your form. Select Record name if you want each form response to include the name and email address of the responder. Clear this option if you want to allow anonymous responses to your quiz or form. Select One response per person if you want to limit the responses to one per person. Clear this option to allow form responders to submit more than one response to a form. The default setting is to allow multiple responses.
Note: When a response is anonymous, no personally
identifiable information, such as name or user ID, is stored.
Options for responses
Accept responses or close out a form
Clear the Accept responses setting to turn off the ability to collect any additional form responses. You can also customize the default message that recipients see when trying to submit their response after you turn off this setting.
Start and end dates
You can specify an exact date and time when you want
to start and stop collecting form responses. Click Start date, then click the date text box and select a date from the calendar control. Select a specific hour from the drop-down list of hour increments. Do the same for End date.
Note: You can’t select a date and time in the past.
Shuffle questions
When you use the Shuffle questions setting, Microsoft
Forms randomly shuffles the order of the questions displayed. Each responder sees the questions in a different sequence. The default setting is to display the questions to each responder in the same order you designed the form.
Click Back when you are finished adjusting your form
Email notification of each response
To receive an email notification for each new
response you receive, click the Email notification of each response setting.
Show question points to responders
On the Questions tab, you can assign a points value
to each quiz question. Responders will see the points value displayed in parentheses after the quiz question.
Note: The Points option is only available when you
use quiz questions.