Use branching in Microsoft Forms
You can add branching logic to a survey or quiz so that it changes according to the responses to specific questions. In a survey or quiz that branches, questions appear only if they are relevant to the responder. If the questions don't apply, the
responder is redirected to a different set of
questions or will skip a set of questions altogether.
Add branching to your form
Before you get started, it's a good idea to make sure
all of your questions are created. When you're ready to add branching, follow these steps:
1. Click the ellipses button (...), and then
select Branching.
2. On the Branching options page, there are dropdown
menus that appear with each answer under every question. Click the arrow to see a dropdown menu.
3. The dropdown menu contains a list of every
question that follows.
For each possible response to the question, select
the question that you want to branch to. In this example, if a responder answers Yes to the first question, you want him or her to go on to the next question (#2). However, if the responder
answers No to the first question, you would branch,
or skip, to question #3.
4. To insert additional branches to your survey or
quiz, repeat steps 2 and 3. If you want a particular question assigned as the final one in the survey or quiz, click the dropdown menu next to that question, and then select End of the form.
If you want to completely reset your form and remove branching, click the ellipses button (...), and then select Reset.