Difficulties with the TeachFirstX platform (OpenEdX)
The TeachFirstX platform (https://learn.teachfirst.org.uk/) is an external system used for eLearning/blended learning.
This system is hosted and maintained by a third party partner called Proversity.
As such any support related to the use/access of the platform should be directed at Proversity directly via support@proversity.org . This information is also available on the TeachFirstX platform:
- Technical Support: e.g. I can’t access one of the videos.
All technical questions should be submitted to our third-party expert colleagues at Proversity. To report a technical issue, please email: support@proversity.org
You will receive a response within 24 hours of submitting a question.
Content related support:
Should you require any support or clarification regarding the content of the course, please contact your recruitment officer.
Please note: the IT helpdesk is unable to support you with the TeachFirstX platform - all support requests must be directed to Proversity directly.
If you require advice on a new module, you may wish to contact the product owner: Helen Gooch.