Using distribution groups in Outlook
Description: The following is some helpful guide lines around distribution groups.
We have implemented new email distribution groups in the global address list based on the new divisional and department structures put in place as part of the target operating model.
The new distribution lists are based on information held in HR Select and are therefore the most accurate information we have about which teams employees work in.
We communicated this to employees in Connect on 20 October. However, since then it has still been possible to find the old distribution groups (starting TF- ) in the global address list.
Today, we have hidden the old distribution groups from the address list. Employees are required to use only the new email distribution groups from now on.
Below is a little more guidance that will help you.
You can see the makeup of each distribution group by right clicking on it in the Global Address List and viewing ‘Properties’.
Departments are listed in the Global Address List under the divisions they sit within. For example, the distribution group used to email the Community Impact department is called Programmes Community Impact.
Teams are listed in the Global Address List under the divisions and departments they sit within. For example, the distribution group used to email the Innovation Unit is called Programmes Community Impact Innovation Unit.
To request a new distribution group you must be able to demonstrate that there is an organisational or departmental need for it. Otherwise, you will be advised to create your own distribution group locally.
Requests for new distribution groups should be made by raising a ticket with the IT service desk, stating why you require a new group.
Only Teach First employees can be added to distribution groups in the Global Address List. To do this, please raise a ticket with the IT service desk.